Wednesday 7 March 2007

Boris and Eidi

António Alves and his wife Amélia first contacted us a couple of years ago, looking for a pet terrier. After seeing several litters, they settled on Boris (photo, top), who is a litter brother of Marta, and so one of Flash's sons.

To keep Boris company, they decided last year they would like to have a bitch, so they took Eidi (second photo), who was one of the three sisters in Duna's first litter - the other two were Patch and Canela, who are still with us (see the site).

In the pictures, Boris is at the National Stadium, where they often walk, and Eidi is on holiday at Praia da Amoreira, on the Algarve's Atlantic coast, near Aljezur. The two dogs also often accompany Amélia to her shop - and were even featured in a magazine photo shoot last year.

António: obrigado pelas fotos!

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