Monday 26 February 2007

Shows - Odense and Vila Franca de Xira

It's been a busy ten days or so, culminating for us in the show at Vila Franca de Xira at the weekend. But in the meantime we were delighted to hear news from Denmark where one of our pups was showed for the first time the weekend before last.

"Flash da Roseira Brava" was named after his father, known here as Flash, officially Fellshied Tell Me More. Young Flash has gone to live with Britta Norlund in Denmark, and at his first show, in Odense, he won best puppy in the breed. Here's a picture of him, kindly sent by Britta.
And at Vila Franca, we had a good day. Canela, still in junior class, took BOB for the first time. So after taking best bitch on the second day in Porto, she's making a good start to the year.

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